... to live the life you desire, not the life others expect of you ...
With kindness and respect.

Coaching programs

Do you feel strongly that you want to create change in your life, but all the webinars and on-line programs are not your cup of tea? You'd rather work one-on-one in an intense, 100%customized program?


Contact me and let's have a FREE Laser Coaching, where you can personally meet me and see if coaching with me is the right thing for you now. If yes, we can start the journey through one of the coaching programs:


 •   Struggling with time and feeling overwhelmed,    •   Tired of idle dreaming, wasted opportunities?
 •   Trying to juggle the many roles and responsibilities in your life,    •   Feeling that there must be more in life than just the busyness and effort you´re experiencing?
 •   Longing for more space, peaceful sleep and moments of joy?    •   Longing for a much more fulfilled life; in your career and relationships? Feeling strong desire for adventure and end of stereotype?
 If this is you, this program is made just for you.  

You do not want to waste another day? Start now! Take the courage to break free and live every minute of your life as the very precious gift it is.

 ✔    4 video coaching sessions, 90 min each - 3-4 months commitment    ✔   10 video coaching sessions, 90 min each - 6-10 months commitment
 ✔    2-4 weeks in between the sessions for integration with support and inspiration (email and text messaging)    ✔   2-4 weeks in between the sessions for integration with support and inspiration (email and text messaging)
 ✔    between-session “homework”- exercises, exploration    ✔   between-session “homework”- exercises, exploration
 ✔    very practical proven tools and strategies    ✔   very practical proven tools and strategies
 ✔    personality assessments    ✔   personality assessments
 ✔    honest and constructive feedback    ✔   honest and constructive feedback
 ✖    free access to all Daily Courage sessions     ✔   free access to all Daily Courage sessions
 ✖    your sessions will be recorded so you can go back to them anytime    ✔   your sessions will be recorded so you can go back to them anytime
I want it!   I want it!


 Get Your FREE 30min. Laser Coaching to see if this works for you.


  Schedule Your Free Session   



Because I believe in you. I believe in the power each of us has inside. I've experienced it myself, and I've seen it so many times with my clients that there is no doubt for me. I know there is much more possible in the world than what we believe. Miracles happen all the time.


I've been working as a professional coach for the last 8 years (700+ hours) in life coaching (career, balance, relationships), in corporate business coaching and entrepreneurial coaching and 14 years as a corporate soft skills trainer (7500+ clients in a personal encounter). I'm an active member of International Coach Federation and vice-president of local ICF Chapter 2014-2016. For the past 4 years I've been training new coaches in one of the best coaching schools in my country, last year I was featured as a coach in national TV, in a show called  "The Hidden Potential." Read more about my professional experience and personal story. 

I've been working with:

entrepreneurs who build their own businesses from scratch or want to shift their business to a new level
busy women and mothers who want to find more balance in life (with kids, family, household, work and their own life)
business people in corporations on developing their skills in leadership, communication, time management and others