... to live the life you desire, not the life others expect of you ...
With kindness and respect.

Mastermind Series

Any hesitations?

Thank you for being here. We are currently on hold as Katerina´s capacity is fully booked in face-to-face coaching and workshops. We will be back as soon as it is possible. Thank you for understanding. Mastermind Series are designed to give you practical tools and inspirations to specific topics. Masterminds are free and have two parts: video lessons AND Live Mastermind Call, where you can get answers to your questions, laser coaching and share your experience. They are easy to use and fun to join. Each month we explore one topic, see the calendar below.

LIVE Mastermind Calls

How does it work?

Join the LIVE Call

I will also send you an invitation to join me for the Live Mastermind Call, where you can get laser coaching for yourself, ask any questions, share your experience or just listen and be with us.

If you come to the LIVE Mastermind Call, you´ll get a Comfortable Replay

Do you want to dive even deeper into transformation? Join me for Coaching and create strong individual shift in your life.